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I have to tell you, I am so incredibly excited about this year. Not only because of the life here that I've begun to build in Los Angeles, but for the journies that I feel coming.

For the past few months I've been producing and acting in a pilot episode for a web series called "Like Life." It is currently in post production and I can't wait to see the finished product. I was definitely taking on a big challenge when I said "yes" to my inspiration to create this story. I was very unexperienced as a "unexperienced" I mean that I had literally never produced anything in my entire life. I had never learned about producing. I had never even thought about producing. Not once had the concept or thought entered my mind. But then, all of the sudden it was there, and before I could even think about whether or not it was a good idea to do it, I was doing it. I got a lot of help from my good friend Lance, who has produced and written a lot. But even with that I did so many things wrong; things were out of order and we lost momentum in a lot of ways. Passion was absent in a lot of places and so was knowledge. But what I can say is this: I went for it. Fully. I didn't care if it was going to be successful or a flop, all I cared was that it was a good experience for everyone involved, that it was something I worked hard to do, that I was creating my own material and that I was learning what it meant to be a producer, actor, co-worker, friend and leader in this big LA pond.

After several months of struggle and the realization that the story is probably not strong enough to move past a pilot episode, I decided to hang up my hat on this particular project. That being said though, I'm not stopping here. I still think we made a great pilot and I'm excited to see the finished product when we are finished in post. I'm excited to share it with everyone who supported me throughout the whole process and I'm thrilled to see all of the hard work pay off. I've begun to learn that the payoff is not necessarily in the product itself, but rather the process. I learned so much from my cast and my crew and I treasure my time with them greatly. After all, that's what this whole thing is about: relationships.

So following "Like Life" I was inspired to create a new something-or-other. Surprisingly, I really liked producing. I didn't like the hard part of producing; I didn't like trying to make people passionate about something they weren't passionate about. But the overall experience was positive, challenging, and energizing to me. I spent so much time thinking and talking and praying about what the next endeavor would be. In my mind it wasn't even going to be another web series, it was going to be a short film or who knows what, but definitely not another web series. And then one night, after spending an extensive amount of time asking God what to do, the idea came to me. An amazing idea. An idea I haven't seen before. I couldn't stop thinking about it all night. For hours I couldn't sleep because I just kept thinking of it.

The next morning when I woke up, it came to my mind immediately. And in that same moment I knew exactly who to ask about collaboration. I honestly don't have a logical reason for why I asked him right then, I just did. I knew my friend Phillip Abraham was the guy I needed to talk to about this idea. I just knew. So I texted him right away. And a few minutes later he called me. The next thing I knew I was telling him about this crazy idea I had and soon after he was telling me about an idea that he had that was similar, but different enough to merge with my idea and make a pretty epic story. So that minute we planned a production meeting.

Today we met to talk about it and all I have to say is, I am SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED to start this project. There is definitely no lack of passion on this project. It is going to be amazing and powerful and wonderful and beautiful and entertaining and real. So real. I can't wait to share more details with you all, but for now, just get pumped. The process has just begun and it's already something incredible. The process I mean. Because after all, it is about the process. It is about relationships. It's about the stories that we build and share with one another in our own lives. It's about our life stories that are shaped as we create the stories we want to share. And I honestly can't believe that I'm starting this development process all over again with a new project. I can't believe that I'm in this place I wouldn've never even been able to dream up 2 years ago. But this place is so right right now. It's a process to a bigger goal. A journey to another process.

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